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Improve your understanding of your customer´s behaviour.

Improve your understanding of yourcustomer´s behaviour. With factsand figures about customer flows and presence you can create a better shopping experience, adding more value to your business.

Get a clear understanding of the customer behaviour

Flowity Retail can track flows and presence of your customers, opening up for new revenue possibilities. Flowity can highlight the most popular areas of the store, enabling better merchandising and product placement decisions.
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Data-Driven Decision-Making, make informed decisions about replenishment, campaign efficiency and store layout optimization.
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Understand behavior and potential in different personas; browsers,pick-up, discount chasers etc.
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Storefront and advertising efficiency
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Structured A/B testing both in storefront and layout.
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Identify congestion and bottlenecks and automatically trigger action from staff.
Customer behaviour

Changes in customer behaviour

We see new ways of shopping emerging driven through the impact as e-commerce, sustainability and regulations. Customer behaviour and habits are changing when new services and products are offered through digital channels. We believe that the fysical shopping experience is much less analyzed than the digital and in a rapid changing world of transformation you can keep ahead of your competetion when you can make decisions based on facts about your customers behaviour in your stores.

Location evaluation

Choice of location

A lot of effort is put into analytics of location based data for identifying the right spot before establishing a new store. The changing mix of office, residential, and retail makes the site selection a difficult task. Flowity can contribute with access to important data such as flows outside the store, convertion rate of people accessing the premises and time spent inside the store.

Take action

Understand your customer

Do your customers have trouble finding what they are looking for? Do you ge the best exposure possible for your products and offerings? Do you have bottlenecks or congestions at check out? With Flowity you can get a clear understanding of how customers move in your stores and test the impact of changes in layout and offers. With Flowity you can notify staff to take action on events happening at your locations in realtime.

With you - all the way


Together with the client we define the purpose of installation​ and the most suitable locations for installations.


The sensors are installed and connected to a dedicated on-premise processor. This makes sure integrity is maintained.


Detection and data gathering is initiated and the dashboard is made available​​. Statistics and usage patterns are made available to the customer through API, data file​ or a dashboard. Integration to security and warning systems are brought online


The client recieves the results in a decided format: Presentation ready or data prepared to be integrated in an existing incident management system.

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